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With UMODS backing your modifications you will have access to discount priced name brand parts directly from dropshippers. View product pricing on countless products once you become a member of UMODS.
Before you can view product information you must agree to our privacy policy. If a lower priced product is avalible you will be given that option instead in your package details.
The type of parts will be seperated into diffrent sections. (i.e. performance, styling, suspension, audio)
Three levels will be available PER section, the level will dictate the type of parts.
Suspension Related Package Details Below
For suspension packages, each level will focus on improving the key factors related to your cars handling/response
As the level goes up the range of improvment will also.
Please note that some modifications may conflict with the vibrations felt durring operation. If you have any questions please forward them to UMODS@LIVE.COM this your concern in the subject line.
Street level packages include bolt-on parts that can be installed with hand tools and basic mechanical skills, however tuner, pro, and race may include componets that require technical tools, equipment, and electronic tuning software, etc..., All suspension packages will include details about install and FAQS.
This package will be a entry level package, the starter level. If you are on a budget, or want to do a complete build up(balancing everything out), I suggest doing this package first. Then move up later to the next. Perfect if you want to see general improvments in ride handling, great for a daily driven vehicle that see very little aggresive driving.
This package is one step up from the street pacakge. The tuner package will give a more aggresive modification. If you have a targeted goal all ready in mind, or have already done the basic mods listed in Street package this level is perfect for your ride. You can expect to have a in-the-drivers seat ride improvment and depending on your application may require to have to corner balanced and or re-aligned.
Once you have decided to upgrade to tuner or pro level, race options can be added see below for more information.

This package is the top performing package offered. With Pro you will get the ultimate set up needed to turn your ride into a real Street Machine!! If you plan on doing major modifications later, once the fundings and time become open, go right for Pro!! Save the most money here while making the improvment in handling. Please note some performance upgrades may effect the ride quality in reguards to harshness felt from the road and vibrations from engine. Some modifications may require your car to be corner balanced and or er-aligned. It is important to plan ahead on the use of your modified ride.
Once you upgrade to tuner or pro level, race options will become options can be added see below for more information.
Just like it sounds, with certain packages you may pick from either tuner or pro, you have the option of adding certain parts to the package that will be a great upgrade over stock componets. Race options are reffered to the upgrades that offer the stiffest ride and flatist cornering possible,please note that some upgrades mat require the removal of certain interior panels/componets. Also some may require welding to car areas that will reduce and or eliminate the use of your back seat depending on your application.
Eibach Sway Bars - Anti-Roll-Kit Front/Rear
Eibach Lowering Springs - Pro Kit (Lowers Front:1.4 inch/ Rear:1.2 inch)
Total Cost for This Package
Race Options:
Megan Racing Front Lower H-Brace
GT Spec Trunk Braces - 4 Point Cross Linkage
Prothane Complete Bushings - Total Kit (Red)
System is will allow high speed turns and zig-zag movements with little or no rolling of the body. Flexing is reduced to a such degree that upgrading tires to a lower profile in order to maximize cornering ability is highly suggested. Re-alignment is also required when ever you change the suspension compents mainly in reguards to lowering or raising ride height.
Your Featured Ride
2.2 OHV 4 CYL Target 275HP-280HP / 230TRQ-260TRQ
Custom 2 1/2 inch Header-Back Exhaust
Straite pipe w/o cat single rear passanger outlet
Custom Ram Air Intake with Active Hood Scoops
Painted Steels
Custom Shift Knob (auto)
In-dash Volt meter
Blue Neons
Custom Rear Bench Seat w/ Cut-out for bass
Jenson CD Player
Infinity 6x9's
Pioneer 4" mids
Neon Tweeters 1 1/2"
1000 watt amp
x2 10" subs enclosed w/ bass port
Painted Panels
Coming soon:
T3/T4 turbo install @ 9PSI w/ intercooler
Custom Body kit (Drifter style)
Engine Overhaul w/ forged internals
.20" over bore
Summit Ignition CD
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Submit your profile with short description of build. You could be the next to star on UMODS. Once you have been submited as a feature build your information is placed under the Builds section in the Modification Archive for viewing.
In the works this month:
Sponsorship aid
Need help getting your ride a sponsorship? Advice from the guys who got them and what they did to get them. The hardest part of getting one is selling yourself to be a better investment then the thousands out there aiming for the same thing. We will have a application format that you can use to orginize your build and get noticed. Including REAL LISTS OF COMPANIES OFFERING SPONSORSHIPS that you can submit to once you have your project application done.