Tuners and muscle car builders around the globe sharing information about what they've learned in thier builds. Inside information that you need to be up to date on what people are doing to thier rides.
What about you?
Have you done something crazy or one of a kind that you want share with the car world. Submit your modifications and tips to be shared with your peers.
All articles must include your contact information(email and name will do) and pictures that show the context of your modification/tip. If you don't have pictures please be very detailed. We will include a picture of your car/modification with the article details on the website in the Archive page.
Get some attention today and submit your stuff!
To Sign up please send a email with
TIP/MOD REQUEST in the subject line to
To submit a article please title the subject TIP/MOD SUBMIT
Stay on top of the car world with the up to date information on the aftermarket world
Find out whats hot now and people are saying about it
One of the biggest reasons to sign up for is the custom parts reviews/information. Get the stuff no one else knows about and stay a head of the game. Get new ideas and maybe get thrown in a new direction. You never know what is going to be shown next.
Can't find a part for your ride? Frequently Requested Parts could be the next part of the day so ask away
Custom fabricators and local speed shops get your custom parts/tunes out to the guys that are hungry for something new. Submit your stuff for reviews and purchase.
Go big or go home
If you guys are making it we want it.
All custom parts must included the
Year(s) Make(s) Model(s) Engine(s) or Universal
Pictures also must be included with a detailed description of the part(s)/system. We also what to know what is the benifit of your product. Don't forget to included your companys information with the submition.
To sign up for the part of the day please send a email with
If you would like to submit a product/system/tune please included all of the above information to UMODS@LIVE.COM
with the sbuject line as PARTS SUBMIT |
Your Featured Ride
2.2 OHV 4 CYL Target 275HP-280HP / 230TRQ-260TRQ
Custom 2 1/2 inch Header-Back Exhaust
Straite pipe w/o cat single rear passanger outlet
Custom Ram Air Intake with Active Hood Scoops
Painted Steels
Custom Shift Knob (auto)
In-dash Volt meter
Blue Neons
Custom Rear Bench Seat w/ Cut-out for bass
Jenson CD Player
Infinity 6x9's
Pioneer 4" mids
Neon Tweeters 1 1/2"
1000 watt amp
x2 10" subs enclosed w/ bass port
Painted Panels
Coming soon:
T3/T4 turbo install @ 9PSI w/ intercooler
Custom Body kit (Drifter style)
Engine Overhaul w/ forged internals
.20" over bore
Summit Ignition CD
Sign up for the news letter that includes a free tip/do it yourself modification.
Take hold of the information we have to offer and apply the knowledge to you applications. Have a question about something? Frequently asked questions can be turned into the tip/ modification of the day. Ask away someone else might have the same problem. Heard about a modification/tip you want the world to know about? Share the wealth and make yourself know to car world.
Hot Product news letter |
Stay on top of the Aftermarket world with the hot product news letter. Get the information about the newest trends and parts sent right to your email address or phone Get your next idea or modification from the part of the day, you never know when something might catch your eye! Looking for a part you just can't find? Stumped on what to do next or how to shave another .10 second of your lap time. Let us know frequently requested parts could be the next part of the day. Someone out there could be sitting in your shoes, so help a guy out here!! Custom fabricated parts could be the next hot product sign up and get the information about truly custom parts!! So sign up today
*Sign up*
Featured Project/Member
Submit your profile with short description of build. You could be the next to star on UMODS. Once you have been submited as a feature build your information is placed under the Builds section in the Modification Archive for viewing.
In the works this month:
Sponsorship aid
Need help getting your ride a sponsorship? Advice from the guys who got them and what they did to get them. The hardest part of getting one is selling yourself to be a better investment then the thousands out there aiming for the same thing. We will have a application format that you can use to orginize your build and get noticed. Including REAL LISTS OF COMPANIES OFFERING SPONSORSHIPS that you can submit to once you have your project application done.